Bullshit Room is the anarchy of language.Talking Bullshit is to liberate language,and be your own Satan.Wittgenstein accounced that the boundaries of language are the boundaries of thinking.
  Language is instinct,concrete,restraint,and the end.Once you open your mouth,you will inevitably fall into the trap.To start a riot og the language in the case of being unabke to get rid of language is to letting it go,discard it,and abolish it.It is the abolition of meaning and morality.Resist the ‘primacy of the matter’,release all desires,and return to the primitive state of chaos.As a fragile weapon and the fragility of weapons,the language is a pistol without bullets and a pistol full of bullets,Use it,run out of language in endless.Shoot it,to sacrifice the great madness and silence.

“言一寸十一寸”is the deconstruction of the Chinese Character of the Poem.The video played the rolling poetry without punctuation in black and red.The video aimed to dismantle the language being the dominating of the language and reaching a point where the language could be reinterpreted in the endless loop.